Tuesday, August 13, 2013

White Water Six Flags

Friday my sister, my mom, my brother, and I all went to Six Flags White Water for Homeschool Day. 
We had never been before and I was kind of skeptical. (I REALLY don't like roller coasters or anything like that..)
Of course EVERYONE else in my family LOVES things like that. When we first got there we waited in line to get in (there were a lot of people there.) And then, once we got in, they still had everything blocked off. We waited with a bunch of other people, who were ready to dash off and find chairs. We had never been, so we didn't know that there would be a mad-dash for seats like that. We just kind of caught on and jogged over to a "kiddie-area" to nab a seat. (After a while, we realized we were in DIRECT sunlight, but oh well.. It all worked out.)
My brother and sister went onto the little playground to play (she is just young enough to still be able to play and just short enough..) I wanted to play too because I had sadly realized  I wasn't going to be riding ANY of the bigger rides.. And that Kiddie Area might be my only chance at "fun". (Haha pathetic, I know..)
 (Credit to: Trip Advisor for the photo!)
(Credit to: Water Park Pictures for the photo!)
So, I just followed my sister, mom, and brother around. My sister kept on BEGGING me to go wait in line and ride some of the bigger rides with her. I (of course) knew I couldn't, because.. umm... well, because I had just eaten and EVERYONE KNOWS you're supposed to wait at least 15 minutes before going into the water! And it had only been 10.. (Okay, okay.. I just didn't want to go..)
My mom started to get mad and my sister did too. We had been there for about 3 hours and we still hadn't ridden any rides. It was pretty sad.. I felt bad, but I just couldn't bring myself to go on any of the rides.
We got our hands stamped, so we could come back in, and went out into the parking lot. (My mom had stopped by Subway before we got there. She read online that their food wasn't too hot, so she picked some up.) We ate in the car and after we were finished we headed back into White Water.
After a long time of walking around (in the kiddie areas of course.) We decided, since me and my sister weren't planning on going off alone, that we would go and ride rides everyone could ride. (Wow that was a lot of "rides".)
My brother (surprisingly) could ride one of the bigger rides. It was this green slide and you would go down in one big raft thing.
 (Credit to: Water Slide Database for the photo!)
(Credit to: Parkr for the photo!)
It was pretty fun. And after that, I felt more comfortable in the park. Me and my sister would walk around and then meet back up with my mom and brother (they would usually be in the wave pool or lazy river.)
Wave Pool
(Credit to: Atlanta Photos.com for the photo!)
Lazy River
(Credit to: Atlanta Photos.com for the awesome photo!)
The Lazy river was pretty fun. And I sat with my sister while she went down this HUGE slide, Cliff Hanger. (She rode it twice)
(Credit to: Forbes for the picture!)
I wanted to ride it, but fear of my bottoms "wedgie-ing", I didn't.
Me and my sister also rode two blue slides that went down side-by-side and let out into the lazy river.
Then, we made our way to the back of the park. My sister rode Dragons Tale.
 (Credit to: WaterSlideDatabase for the video!)
 (Credit to: Water Slide Database for the photo!)
Then we made our way to another mini "park"in the back. It has a bunch of different slides.
My sister rode this one that was actually three slides all side-by-side so you could race your friends. And I rode it too.
There was a "lilly pad crossing" and a bunch of other things.
(Credit to: Trip Advisor for the photo!)
That was pretty much it.. We arrived at White Water at around 9:30 and we left at 6:00.

Talk to you soon!,


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