Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pictures from a good morning!

How's it going? I hope good!

Today, me and my sister took a moment to go outside and enjoy the morning. (We also took a few pictures!) We used our Nabi 2 to take these.

Morning Glory I planted during Spring.

Marigolds that go around the perimeter of our garden, to keep bugs away.

Our kitty, Layla

Our other kitty, Nala.

Our Maine Coon, Simon.

Berries from our Crape Myrtle.
My sister took (this one) & the next three pictures.. She was going to use this as the background image for the Nabi.

"Action Shot", as she calls it.
Our kitties were up on the roof when we came outside, they like to use the Trellis, to climb on the roof. They usually just walk around up there, (until they no longer feel like BIG, BRAVE, kitties!)

 Nala knows how to get down off the roof, from scary (and possibly traumatic) past experiences. Layla.. Well, that's another story. She knows how to, follow Nala, get on the Trellis, and climb to the roof. This is the second time we've had to rescue her. Oh well, hopefully she'll learn! (Until then, we'll keep a towel at the ready! For later rescue missions! Lol)
She was looking right at me for the LONGEST time!
She reminds me of a climber, scaling down a mountain.. except she's walking... and its house, not a mountain...

I hope you all had a wonderful morning like we had! (And maybe you helped (or in our case, rescued) someone today?)

Anyways, talk to you all soon,

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