Saturday, August 3, 2013

3rd DIY or DI-Don't

Today I am going to do TWO DIY or DI-Don'ts in ONE day! (If you haven't see my last post on DIY or DI-Don't please click here to check it out...If you have, or don't want to, proceed on!)
I really wanted to do another one, because the last edition was so short.. So, I ONCE AGAIN went searching on Pinterest, and I RE-found this SUPER cute idea!
I have made, literally, TONS of these! I had first found out how to do them by YouTube, by the lovely miss Ingrid of Miss Glamorazzi!They are DIY Peter Pan Collars! I found the template she used and began making A BUNCH! I just found different things I had laying around the house and began embellishing them all sorts of ways! (I had originally made them for a tutorial I was going to put on YouTube, which I later did.. If you want to check it out, click here!) But, NOW I'm going to show you how to make them, again...
First off, here is the picture I saw on Pinsterest that made me think of these again!
Huge credit to Fashion Diva Design for the AMAZING blog!
I can't get over how CUTE this is! I LOVE the sequin material! I have made a TON of these, like I said before. Here is all of the ones I've made!

 (From top to bottom, left to right: White felt with glitter, pink, green, black, silver; Brown Felt with Brads; Two pieces of felt with Burlap on top; Fabric; Green Felt with jewels; Two pieces of felt with scrapbook paper on top; White felt with white glitter, held together with string; A piece of felt with glitter in an failed "Aztec" pattern; More Felt with glitter, silver, green, yellow, pink, and purple.) 

I just went crazy making these, I guess I really liked the glitter idea.. Anyways, onward with the tutorial!
First, start out by downloading the template.. Here it is CLICK ME! (You may have to make changes to the collar, in order for it to lay flat on your neck. Just cut out the template and measure where the necklace is going to sit.)
Next, gather whatever it is you want to make the collar out of, felt, fabric, ect.
Then, your going to want to take a marker (I used a sharpie), the template, and the material of your choice. Fold the material in half and place the template right on the fold (like you would do if you were cutting out a heart..).
Trace the template onto your material, using the marker. 
Next, grab some scissors and start to cut. (I left the material folded while I cut, so that both sides would be EXACTLY the same.)
Then, you get to decorate it! I used a LOT of the glitter & Mod Podge technique. But, you can do whatever you'd like!
Finally, you are going to want to attach some sort of string or ribbon. This is a necklace after all.. I used elastic string, so that I would be able to stretch the necklace over my head. It's pretty hard make the necklace the right length & tie on your own neck.. I hot glued my string to either side of the collar, so I just stretch it over my head.
Then, your done!
Here's another picture..

And another..
I really hope you guys liked this tutorial! I cant wait to do more DIY or DI-Don't-s! 

Talk to you soon!,

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