Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Our Over Sized Okra

Our Garden as of now

     As you can see, our okra is HUGE!  I don't know if it got that big because we planted REALLY late into the summer or the seeds we used hmmm...  We only have okra and tomatoes and they are STILL producing!!  

     And other than our garden, this post is about...


   I wanted to talk about mine, my sister's, and brother's costumes.  So, my costume is going to be a Masquerade Ball Girl!! I am sooo excited about wearing it!! I have always been into wearing dresses, gowns, and BIG, puffy dresses!  I am going to be wearing a silver/gray dress with little jewels at the top with a really cool mask that (almost) matches the dress!
     My brother is going to be Spiderman.  He is also VERY excited!  He has been looking forward to getting and trying on his costume.  We finally got it at Target the day we went to Tellus for Heavy Metal in Motion (see my other post Tellus Cotton Day! to see more about Heavy Metal in Motion).  We kept it a surprise until we got home.  We told him, "We have you a surprise!", and he was super excited!  He told us on the way home why does it have to be a surprise, can't I just know?  Haha! Once we got home, he couldn't wait any longer and opened the package and put it on.  Once he got it on (with some help)  he went over to my mom and said, "Did you get the shooters?" (As seen on their commercial.)  My mom said, "No, we just got your costume."  He then said, "Aw man, I wanted those cool shooter things! (and he struck a pose, you know the one Spiderman makes when he shoots a web? Pow! Pow!)
     As for my sister, she is going to be what she has been fascinated with for years!  A Toilet! Just kidding about the fascinated part! But, she REALLY is going to be a Toilet.  Well, I don't really know if that is her final decision (she keeps on changing it!).  She (thinks) she is going to make the whole costume (with my mom's help, of course!).  She is going to cut out the bottom of a large box and step into it, add a toilet bowl (to hold her candy, or so she says), and add a flush lever.  

That is what has been going on with me.  Halloween costumes and admiring our over sized okra before it, **Sniffle** **Sniffle**, DIES!:(

                                                                                (Talk To You Later)


I just decided I am going to put pictures of mine and my brother's costumes (not my sister's because well, it hasn't really been made yet! Haha!).  


Bye! :),



  1. Hi Zoe,

    I love Halloween, too and I love your idea for a costume - how beautiful you will look! Can't wait for photos of you and your siblings come All Hallow's Eve!


    1. Thank you sooo much Kimba! I am working on getting the pictures up...
