Monday, October 15, 2012

Tellus cotton Day!

     On Friday, October 13, 2012, me and my family went to the Tellus Museum in Cartersville, Georgia.  We went to see their annual Heavy Metal in Motion.  They have many different "generations" of firetrucks, a 1932 Rolls Royce, a bunch of tractors from different years, race cars you can climb into, a Georgia Power truck, an old Shell gasoline truck, a Black-hawk Helicopter, and my favorite!  A Hovercraft!  And after all of that, they even had more vehicles to see! They had a Monster Truck themed bouncy house, snack stand, and a miniature train that gives kids (and parents) rides around the front of the museum.  They even had stuff inside the museum!  We got to do a couple of crafts like, make your own hovercraft, make an engineer hat, and you got to guess on one solar powered car (little toy race cars) were going to be the fastest then, you got to see them race and find out which one was the fastest.  They also had all of the normal exhibits open so we went back through the Gem Panning and My Big Backyard.

     So after that great day, it got EVEN BETTER!  On the way to Tellus we had seen a bunch of cotton fields.  We had said that it would  be cool to stop and just SEE not PICK.  On the way home my mom actually spotted someone who had stopped, pulled over, and was admiring the cotton.  So what did we do but, pull over too!:)  She turned the car around and stopped on a not-so-busy road.  We all got out looked like it was snowing!!!  We got some REALLY good photos! Here they are!

                                   You can really see how far           
                                      the cotton goes in this                                  

This one is zoomed out and again
   you can see how far the cotton


                              I took this picture up close



And I put the camera under
    the cotton and snapped
                a photo.


                                          This is another beautiful


This is one of my favorites! 
   I actually took this 

I hope you have enjoyed hearing about Heavy Metal in Motion and our cotton adventure! And be sure to find out more about Heavy Metal in Motion at Tellus because it really is worth going to see, especially if you have a little boy who is really into big trucks. (Like my little brother!)  :)


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