Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus Day Crafts

Today is Columbus Day! I have some crafts and facts about Columbus Day.

Columbus Day

     Columbus Day is celebrated on the second Monday in October, for the US of course.  We celebrate Columbus Day in honor of Christopher Columbus' voyage from Spain to North America in 1492.   Christopher Columbus' crew sailed on the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.  The Santa Maria sank in North America but, the Niña and Pinta made it back to Spain.  It took Christopher five weeks to reach North America.  His original goal was to find a route to Asia in order to trade valuable spices. 



What you'll need:
Tin or Aluminium foil
Corn kernels, any small dry beans, tiny pasta
1 paper towel roll or any other type of long cardboard roll
Crayons, colored pencils, markers, and sequins
Tape or Glue
brown construction paper, card stock, or a brown paper bag

        Using your brown paper trace the bottom of your cardboard tube then, draw a bigger circle around the first.  Draw lines connecting to your smaller circle. Now, cut along your lines you drew to your small circle. Put glue on each end of the cut rectangles. Line up the inner circle with the bottom of the cardboard tube now, gently fold each rectangle to the sides of the tube making sure the inner circle is blocking anything from falling out of the tube, let glue dry and continue. Now that your glues dry, your ready to use your aluminium foil! The piece of foil should be about 2 inches bigger than your tube (about 1 1/2 the length of your roll) and about 6 inches wide.  Roll the aluminium foil into to two thin ropes then, twist both into a spring like form.  Place the foil into your tube. Now, you add your dry bean, kernel, pasta assortment into the tube make sure it is about 1/10 full. (Different size, shape, and weight beans, kernels, and pasta make different sounds).  Now make another topper for the opposite end using the first few steps and your finished!  (You can also decorate using the markers, crayons, colored pencils, and sequins.

2. This is my second and final craft for Columbus Day,

Birch Bark Canoe

What you'll need:
string or yarn
construction paper or brown paper bag
hole puncher
Crayons, markers, colored pencils, or tempera paint

     Start off by folding the paper long ways.  About a half-inch from the first fold and fold again. Do this again on the other side (the folds will be the bottom of the boat).  Draw a canoe form in marker or crayon *remember the folds go on the bottom of the canoe*.  Cut out along your canoe lines and punch a few holes following the edges of the canoe.  Using your string or yarn weave in and out of each hole. Push the folded bottom flat to make it stand up.

     I hope you have enjoyed my Columbus Day crafts!  I know there aren't many, but they are really good ones!  I am about to post about my elves, maybe tomorrow. Bye!


I have gotten all of my crafts and information off of Enchanted Learning Thanks for having a really wonderful web site, it is probably my favorite web site for crafts of any sort!

Enchanted Learning

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