Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Spooky Sweets

     I know I said that I was going to post some seasonal desserts but today my mom, me, my brother, and my sister were making a really cool Betty Crocker recipe.  My mom remembers making this recipe for my sister when she was in Kindergarten (at a public school.)  We made Frankensteins, Spiders, and Ghosts.  Here's the recipe and pictures of how we did it and what they look like.

Spooky Sweets:
Makes 12 brownies

What you'll need: 
1 box of Betty Crocker brownie mix
2 tubs of 6 oz. Betty Crocker icing
Betty Crocker gel food coloring
Decorating gel
(at least) 12 Large Marshmallows
Gummy Worms
1 roll of Betty Crocker Fruit Roll-Ups

     These are really fun but, a little challenging.  To start, bake the brownies according to the brownie mix package.  Let them cool for 1 1/2 hours.  Now your ready for the fun part!  Take your large marshmallows and place them on top of your cooled brownie (This batch makes at least 12 regular size brownies so, if you want an even number of each creature, make 4 of each.)  The Spider's marshmallows needs to be laying on its side, the others can stand up long ways. Go ahead and divide the icing into 3 bowls.  Now, choose which type of creature you want to start with.  You can go in any order.

                Spooky Spider:   Start by placing the gummy worms underneath all of your spider's marshmallows.   Then, color the first bowl of icing the color you want your spider to be. (We colored ours a purple color but the Betty Crocker recipe said to color the spiders red or pink. Either way it won't affect the outcome of your spiders.)  Mix the color in really well.  Now place into the microwave for about 15 seconds.  (Microwave more if you want the icing to be thinner or microwave less if you want it thicker.)  Take it out of the microwave and pour spoonfuls over your marshmallow topped brownie until the marshmallow is no longer visible.  Wait about 1 minute (or until you think your icing is hard enough to hold M&M's eyes.  We did some of ours right after it was covered and the eyes slid down the marshmallow.  Others we waited a little longer and the eyes turned out perfectly!)  Once your eyes are secured on the iced marshmallow, place decorating gel pupils, mouth, and eyebrows.  Do all of your spiders the same way as the first.  After your done move onto the next creature.

                   Boo-Brownie: On the ghost, really all you do is the same as with the spiders except don't color your icing.  To make the ghost, take the next bowl of uncolored icing and put it into the microwave.  Take the bowl out and drizzle icing over your marshmallow brownie.  Wait for the icing to cool, just a little bit, and then place the M&M eyes on.  Take black decorating gel and draw on the moaning mouth and eyes.

                    Franken-Brownie:  Take your next bowl of icing and squirt in the gel coloring of your choice.  Microwave for about 15 seconds and pour over your brownie.  Let it cool a tad and add the eyes and bolts on the sides of his neck.  Now, cut a strip of fruit roll ups.  Make cuts (but not all the way through it) until it looks kind of like a grass skirt.  place on top of Frankenstein's head.  To finish him off, give him decorating gel eyes and a mouth.  

These are Betty Crocker's brownies

My brother's ghost
My Frankenstein

My ghost

I hope you enjoy this recipe! It is one of my favorite desserts especially, around Halloween time!


A special thanks to Betty Crocker for this great Halloween Tradition!

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