Sunday, January 13, 2013


     Hi everyone! I know I haven't been on in a little while and, I was itching to post to my blog so this is going to be a small post about what has been going on since I last posted!
     I last posted in December and since then, Christmas has come and gone! And New Years has come and gone! :( But, a new year awaits! (So cheesy! :P)  Oh, I would LOVE to hear how your Christmas and New Years went so.... comment below and tell me! :)

      One of the things I got for Christmas is a keyboard and guess what?? I taught myself how to play!! I know Happy Birthday to you (I originally learned it because it was probably the easiest song to play out there but, now it really comes in handy because my Birthday is coming up!! Haha!) I also know I Want by One Direction. And I know Ready Or Not By Bridget Mendler (my favorite song! By the way, I know how to sing...AND PLAY...AT THE SAME TIME TO IT!!!)

      Another thing I got, well my whole family shares it but, is a laptop! I'm using it RIGHT NOW to write this post!

     (This post is kind of turning out to be long! I guess I had a lot more to say than I thought :P)

                                                                                                                        Well, thats all for now!,



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